GISRUK 2012 at Lancaster University
Over 160 delegates from 14 countries including the USA, China, Japan and New Zealand attended the 20th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK) conference held at Lancaster University between 11th and 13th April 2012.
Keynote presentations were given by Pete Atkinson (University of Southampton, UK) on space-time modelling of environmental data and Tyler Mitchell (Action, USA) on open source geospatial software. Delegates were also privileged to hear Mike Goodchild (University of Santa Barbara) deliver a humorous but thought-provoking retrospective on �GISRUK at 20� at the conference dinner in Lancaster House Hotel.
A total of 54 papers were presented in parallel sessions in established themes (e.g., urban GIS, landscape visualisation) and emerging themes (e.g., mining social media, qualitative GIS) with over 30 of these being given by young researchers. Selected papers from these sessions will appear in a special issue of Transactions in GIS to be published in 2013.
The conference ended with a special session to mark the work of Stan Openshaw, a pioneer in geocomputation. The session was chaired by David Rhind, former Director General of the Ordnance Survey, and included contributions from leading figures in the field of GIS including Paul Longley, Mike Batty and Steve Carver.
The 21st GISRUK conference will be held at Liverpool University from 3rd to 5th April 2013.
Click here to see photos of the event.
Duncan Whyatt, LEC, May 2012